Emberek asztalnál sorban sajttálakról szednek, gyümölcskosarakkal és pezsgővel

Royal Riding HallCatering & other services

Catering asztal melegen tartó tálakkal, tányérokkal, evőeszközökkel, kenyeres kosarakkal

"O God, bless the nation of Hungary
With your grace and bounty"

Our restaurant also offers on-site catering services, allowing us to serve our delicious food at external locations for corporate events, weddings, birthdays or any other special occasion. Our restaurant’s catering service provides a unique opportunity for your guests to enjoy our high-quality food, even if the event is not held at our venue. With the help of our experienced team, we pay attention to every detail to make sure that your event is perfect.

For further information, please contact our colleagues.

Highly recommended external venue:
Millenáris, the favorite event venue of central Buda

Find out more

The strengths of our catering service

More than 20 years of
professional experience

Qualified staff who always provide personalized offers

Flexible, fast,
and efficient work

Own kitchen capable of
serving thousands of guests

Good relations
with numerous venues

Catering representing
the pinnacle of gastronomy

Királyi Testőrség huszárai közelről ahogy fehér lovaikon ülnek

Hussar parade

We warmly recommend our Hussar program to enhance the entertainment of your events. The Hussars parading in the Csikós courtyard bring back the exciting times of historical Hungary. During the performance, the Hussars showcase their outstanding skills in authentic costumes. The spectacular parade will provide an unforgettable experience for the guests of your event.

For further information, please contact our colleagues.

Felszolgálók előétel kosárkákat tartanak fekete tálcákon

We consider our services as duties

Our staff has almost 20 year long experience in organizing and managing private and company events or company cafeteria. Business and protocol events, partner meetings from 100 up to 1000 people, family day: our colleagues help our procurers’ work with fully comprehensive consultation and implementation strategy. We offer a customized quotation and workmanship to every event.

Either it’s a family day or an exclusive event, we have the appropriate equipment, additional elements and last, but no least the qualified and well-prepared staff. If you want to work with a truly professional team, you have nothing else to do, just click on the button below and request a quotation – our experienced colleagues find a solution for every situation.