Fejes Gábor projektigazgató profilképe

Gábor Fejes

Company Manager

“Success is mutual, and it is for all of us.”

About me

started my career in 1995 as a trainee of the Mahart Ltd. (passengershipping company) after I finished my studies at Gundel Károly Catering Vocational School. During the years I accomplished a Catering Technical Institute and a Management Training School beside my work. At Mahart Ltd. first I became from trainee a waiter, then I was appointed business manager in 2006.

After that I had the chance to try company catering at Robert Bosch HQ, which is, in my opinion, as fine and valuabe area as fine dining.

In 2013 we launched Tópart Budapest project which enabled the creation of the multiproduct touristic, leisure and gastro complex, one of Budapest’s outstanding attractions. Its flagship is the Városliget Café which was managed by myself (executive) and my colleagues until 2019.

That was the moment when I was invited to be part of the rebuilt Royal Guard and Stable project from the beginning, including from choosing the kitchen technology to planning the interior decoration. We intended to create the best conditions with well-planned professional work since it is the base of the later operation and visitor experience.

We are very proud to participate in such an important project at this accentuated destination of Buda Castle and that in time we can share the experiences with the visitors.

Personal mission

Fundamentally I do not come from a family rooted in the catering industry, in my childhood there was no one working in catering business. Despite this fact, when I had to choose my career, I chose catering, because I felt some inner urge and motivation that this was my path: hosting guests.

Yes, hosting guests which means more for me than shoddy, industrial product, robotized staff and a simple economic enterprise. Basically it means that experience, quality, hospitality, attentiveness you give to your family and friends when you invite them to your own home. Every guest will be enriched with an experience your team (from the dishwasher through the chef to the CEO) can be really proud of.